How to care for beautiful hands?

You can determine the age of a woman by her neck and hands. Skin care is simply necessary. It is not at all difficult to take care of hands if you follow certain recommendations.

Caring for the skin of the hands does not require much effort.

So, for successful care for the skin of the hands, you need to remember very simple rules for every day. You can wash your hands only with water at room temperature. After washing in cold water, the skin of the hands begins to peel off and becomes very stiff. And hot water completely degreases the skin, dry it very much.

It is necessary to clean the cleaning at home, wash the dishes only in rubber gloves, all chemically the means that are part of the detergents adversely affect the skin. Imagine if these funds cope with strong fat, what happens during this with the skin.

You can wash your hands only with ordinary toilet soap, or a special hand gel. The composition of these products includes a substance that prevents the drying of the skin of the hands. After each contact with water, you need to thoroughly wipe your hands.

Do not forget about the use of hand or gel cream. Particular attention should be paid to the skin on the elbows, since it is the most tender throughout the body. When washing hands, the skin of the elbows must be cleaned with a special scrub, which intensively removes the dead skin cells. It is very useful to make baths with lemon juice.

If your skin is rough and rough, then it is boring to make special softening baths from milk. Milk has the most necessary skin properties. The appearance of cracks or corns, not the most pleasant sensation. To get rid of this, you need to make baths consisting of starch and water, and then lubricate the hand cream for hand. Children’s cream is the most delicate cream, because the skin of the child requires special care, and such a cream is suitable for use by adults, it moisturizes and soothes the skin well.