Before starting the procedure, remove any remaining old coating with a special preparation, if any. The procedure for removing the old coating must be done very carefully and gently so as not to damage your natural nails.
At home, you can do this using files with an abrasiveness of 100-180 units.
Then you need to file the length and shape of your nails. This should be done before maceration, otherwise wet nails will exfoliate after filing. For natural nails, it is recommended to use files with an abrasiveness of 180-240 units. If your nails are weak and thin, then take a fine-abrasive file of 240 units. It is better not to use metal files. When filing your nail, hold the file at an angle so as not to touch the skin. Using back and forth movements, file the desired length and shape of the free edge of the nail. If the edges remain rough, achieve smoothness using a file with less abrasiveness or a buff. After this, remove any dust that appears using a hard brush with an antistatic effect.