How to choose a carpet with a long pile?

Of course, such carpets look very beautiful in any room where they will be laid, and besides it is very nice to walk on them. But not everyone knows how to choose the right thing, but it’s very easy to make a mistake.

In order to avoid this, we decided to tell you some subtleties using which you can choose a high -quality carpet with a long pile that will last you for a very long time.

First of all, we advise you to decide where exactly you want to lay this carpet with a long pile, most often it can be a bedroom, a place near the fireplace, a child to a teenager, it is worth emphasizing that for young children it is forbidden to use carpets with a long pile in the children’s room. In addition to babies, such things are contraindicated in allergy sufferers, because imagine how much dust and dirt collect long villi, which are very difficult to clean completely.

How to check the quality of the selected carpet?

If you really have a high -quality carpet, it must have your own passport in which you will find information about the pile of its length and density per 1 sq. meter. Of course, the higher the density will be, the softer the carpet will be, in addition to everything, it will be easily cleaned, and the dust will contain much less dust in it. But it is possible that this product did not have a passport, do not immediately discard this option, do the following actions.

In order to independently determine the quality of the carpet, it is worth smelling a little, the caustic smell should not come from it. Many new carpets smell, but not so much that to kill this smell can be eliminated for an hour. If after this simple procedure you also feel a pungent smell, therefore, there are dangerous chemical additives in the composition of this product.

Next, you need to turn the edge of the carpet, and pay attention to its basis, usually it should be a dense felt or material from jute. Of course, in the first case, the product will have high practicality.

You can also press the pile slightly, in this case, the villi should be elastic due to which the original shape will quickly restore.

The price of a carpet with a long pile

Basically, the cost of this product will depend on several criteria, namely the composition of the pile and its density. Of course, the naturalness of the material plays an important role, although it is best to take a synthetic carpet for allergies, but products made of natural material will last much longer. The manufacturer and the appearance of the carpet will also affect the price.