How to choose a children’s car seat

Any motorist understands that the safety of his passengers is in the very first place, of course, and do not forget about themselves.

This is especially true of cases if small children are in your car, because you have a huge responsibility for their health and life. Looking at statistics in many cases, we see that a child can preserve life and health such a thing as a separate children’s car seat. Thus, if you want your child to be safe, you should purchase a separate chair for him, however, there are subtleties in this matter, which we will tell you about.

Important criteria for choosing car seats

Very often in stores you can hear such a question as “which chair is best to choose?”But we want to say that there are no seats suitable for all ages, so choosing it, you should pay attention to the following things.

Firstly, the selected chair should relate to a certain group where your models exist depending on the plumb line of your child. Therefore, before going to the store behind the chair, we definitely advise weigh your baby and find out his exact weight.

Secondly, the ECE R44/03 icon must be applied on the chair that this product is fully consistent with the latest European standards regarding safety. That is, it is a car seat from 9 to 36 kg passed successfully all tests, and it really can ensure the safety of your child.

Further in such a car seat, the child should feel very convenient, this can be understood by the behavior of the child. If he will be capricious and spin, therefore, something worries him or interferes. In addition, this will slightly distract the driver from the road, which can lead to a collision.

It should be borne in mind that the younger your baby, the more important it is to become the opportunity for him to sleep in such a car seat. That is, choosing a model of such a chair is best for it to have several provisions, namely the position for sleeping and wakefulness of the child.

For a child under 3 years of age, five -point belts or Y must be provided – figurative mounts. This is precisely the protective element for the baby. Additionally, there must be a soft layer between it and the chair. Remember, before buying car seats that car seats is easily removed and installed, so we advise you to immediately try on it in our car.