How to choose a set for discharge?

Passing sets is one of the first in terms of importance of acquisitions by the time when mom and baby can be taken from the hospital. It is difficult to give special recommendations for choice here, but there are several mandatory factors that young parents should pay attention to without fail.

Important nuances

For example, the time of the year. The sets can be insulated, winter or, conversely, lightweight. Moreover, we are talking about both already equipped and sold separately details. Many prefer to the sets, because they are not only combined in color in them, but there are all the necessary (even such details that the young mother can forget about at first). In the sets, as a rule, there are clothes (they dress the baby during an extract) or an envelope or blanket in which the child is wrapped in the street.

What is included?

As a rule, from clothing, manufacturers put a swing, slider, cap, socks in a set. However, today many parents prefer to buy overalls – they are much more convenient in the process of dressing, and the whole sewing protects the baby from drafts. In winter, such a jumpsuit can be insulated with an additional suit.


Also pay attention to the size. Today, the growth of the baby will easily determine the last ultrasound, but avoid buying the kit “For growth”. The baby will leave the maternity hospital once, and then it is important that all the details are as suitable as much as possible so as not to crawl, irritating the baby, and in no case rub the tender skin of the baby. In order to be confident in the latter – check for sewing. All seams should be on the front side of the clothes.

Fabrics should only be natural. Avoid synthetics, the material should breathe. Speaking about the color of the fabric, many people want to avoid the stereotype “Girls-pink”, “Boys-Boys”. This can be easily done by giving preference to pastel shades of green or yellow.


After you have finally decided on clothes – it’s time to choose an envelope. They exist in several variations, among which:

Envellar-like-in appearance, a regular blanket, but one of it is easily transformed into a hood with a zipper or rivets, so that it may well be used to wrap the baby during discharge or walks.

“Sag” – such envelopes look like standard sleeping bags. Convenient in circulation in the same way as the whole “overalls – little men”. It is easy to wrap the baby in him and he will be reliably protected from drafts and cold weather.

Transformer envelopes easily turn into overalls for children, so if you are planning to use it after discharge from the hospital-this is the perfect option for buying.