How to choose high -quality bedding

Before each purchase of bedding, the woman thinks, but really it is as high quality as it is written on the label, and how the seller of the store praises it. To be completely confident in the choice of bedding, you need to know some features and quality criteria, and for this you need to at least briefly know what materials are used to create it.

For example, Silk KPB is a very good gift, thanks to its rich appearance. Silk is a noble fabric that can maintain its size and shape for a long time, the quality of such linen is the price that sellers put on it. The next in quality is satin, this is the only fabric that has no equal in price or as.

This type of fabric is created from cotton fabric, on which many high -quality threads are applied. That is why, such a fabric is very soft and smooth, it is very pleasant to the touch, it never crashes, so that the bed will always look neat and rich. The main advantage of such fabric is that it is able to push off the dust and hair of pets from itself. Satin is a fabric that is suitable for all seasons, it will not be cold and not hot on it, and this will provide you with a sweet dream.

The calico is a very rough fabric, and its main advantage is that it is cheap, able to withstand numerous washing, and never loses its contrast and brightness. This fabric is suitable for the cold season, it is very warm to sleep in cold winter time. This type of material is more suitable for adults, since children will not be very comfortable sleeping on such fabric. Bed linen is ideal for a child either from satin or from silk, this fabric is very delicate and comfortable.