How to prepare a summer cottage for the summer season?

With the onset of heat, there are a lot of questions that require immediate answers, what to wear in the summer, where to go to relax, is there enough space in the closet for the next down jacket, but the owners of personal plots for everything else have a whole group of questions about the preparation of their site.

After a long winter, your summer house is probably fired and shot, so it is better to throw the old furniture if you have not tucked the house in winter. If your old furniture is damaged, it is best to buy furniture for giving inexpensively, this can be done with the help of online furniture stores, or through private ads, but in the second case you should not expect too much from the furniture already formerly in use.

In addition to the new situation in the house after winter, it is worth carrying out a small cosmetic repair, since the wallpaper and paint do not serve for a long time in the cold room, and their color fades quickly. It is best to overpass the wallpaper a week or two before the opening of the summer season, so that the wallpaper would dry out during this time, but it is better to do painting immediately before arrival so that it is possible to display the smell while you prepare the rest of the site for the summer season.

The remaining paint, by the way, can be used to refresh your fence. If you connect your fantasy a little, and make your fence unlike others, use stencils or just draw what you like. This is a small procedure in time will delight the eye for a whole season, or even more, besides, an unusual bright fence will cause the envy of the neighbors.

When preparing the site itself, attention should be paid to trees, which can already be subject to parasite attacks in order to avoid this better to use high -quality chemistry. It is also necessary to ensure proper oxygen access to the roots, for this you need to loosen the ground at the base of the tree.