How to shave the area of ​​the bikini without irritation

Surely each of the girls, gathering on the sea coast, in a sauna or solarium thought about how the most painlessly and for a long time can be depiled in the bikini zone.

For many representatives of the weaker sex, this task turns into a problem associated with irritation after shaving. Forums dedicated to “girlish secrets” are full of messages about help with useful tips.

It should be noted that it is quite dangerous to follow the “grandmother’s advice” when it comes to something deeply intimate. The century of modern technology offers a lot of ways to get rid of unwanted hair, for a long time and painless: wax depilation, cream, spray, laser. If all the same, for some reason you decided to shave the bikini area, then be guided by the simple tips given below to avoid irritation and other possible problems.

Use softening creams or gels for intimate shaving. Stop your choice on a series of professional intimate cosmetics for the body.

Carry out the depilation procedure under warm running water

Choose an optimal pose for you so as not to accidentally get hurt.

Pre -cut long hair with scissors.


Use new, sharp blades (in this case, disposable ones are more suitable)

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to carefully drain the bikini area with a clean towel.

Use a special anti -inflammatory softening agent after shaving. Some of these means, in addition to soothing action, slow down hair growth.

Do not shave your hair too often. It is optimal to carry out such a procedure every 3-5 days.

Use softening creams and soothing products daily.

It is very important – to choose the right means. Since if the gel or cream does not suit your skin type, you only exacerbate your position using them. For help in choosing the right cosmetics, consult a doctor. In addition, if you do not want to carry out such a procedure yourself, you can contact a beauty salon where such a service is provided.

All the inconvenience of this method of depilation lies in the fact that it does not provide a long effect. As already noted above, it is not worth the depilation too often, it causes new and new irritations. Try to be as punctual as possible in matters regarding your health. And then nothing will ruin your exit in a bikini.