Popular procedures in beauty salons

The prices and quality of the offered services are very different. From very low and unrealistically high. Moreover, this depends not on the quality of the service provided, but on the category of salon.

Modern beauty salons, for example, the Daeura Beauty Institute, offer a large selection of services, among which various cosmetological procedures occupy not the last place:

– face care

– Anti -cellulite massage on the waist and hips

– wraps on the whole body

– Paraffin therapy on the hands and feet

– hair depilation with all kinds of ways

– eyelash extensions

– lip tattoo, eye, eyebrows

– Makeup for the celebration.

The prices and quality of the offered services are very different. From very low and unrealistically high. Moreover, this depends not on the quality of the service provided, but on the category of salon. As a rule, customers go to a certain master who has good recommendations and has been tested in practice.

Facial skin care includes not only mechanical or hardware facial cleansing and massage, but also glorifying with gels of various densities, depending on the area of ​​exposure, as well as vitamins and acids. This eliminates small wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity, allowing you to look a few years younger. You can also increase the volume of the lips with gel, or making the circuit using tattooing.

The tattoo is convenient and relevant. Despite the constant lack of time, women always want to look beautiful. Having done this procedure once, you can save up to 30 minutes every morning in makeup.

Anti -cellulite massage and wraps relieve visible signs of cellulite and help the skin remain in good shape.

Paraffin therapy will make the skin softer, more tender and, accordingly, younger.

Depilation also saves a lot of time, as it eliminates unwanted hair in all parts of the body, for a fairly long time.

The girls want to be irresistible for a wedding or graduation ball, as this event will be remembered for life. You can turn to the help of a makeup artist, who will professionally impose cosmetics, which emphasizes the beauty of the young client and hide all the shortcomings.

Alternative to makeup, this extensive eyelashes. Having spent 1.5-2 hours on this procedure, you can not resort to the help of mascara for a month. Eyes will look bright and expressive.

From the many proposed procedures, you should choose something useful and acceptable for yourself. The main thing is to surrender to a good master!