The bottom is the most important element of the design of the backpacks

When we choose a backpack or bag, the first thing we examine the interior compartments, then look into the external pockets. And only rarely what buyer will guess to twitch the products of the product, although it is they who determine his strength. And it never occurred to anyone to carefully study the bottom of the model, and it is precisely it that is read by the most important element of the entire structure.

This is due to the fact that it is on the bottom, and not on the side walls, the main load is. The walls of the product are absolutely all the same, because they do not bend under the weight of the objects laid in them. And the bottom is also bending, and if it exceeds the permissible norm, then it can break.

Correctly with laptops!

It is worthwhile to be especially neat with accessories designed to carry laptopes. Without exception, all backpacks for laptops are equipped with a strong bottom, many times stitched fishing line, but even it will turn out to be powerless if extraneous heavyweight objects are lying next to the laptop. Therefore, all owners of such accessories should be strictly understood: in addition to the laptop itself, it is allowed to put a couple of mild things with a total mass of up to two kilograms. And in no case should you shove into the model:

Liquid bottles;

A large number of DVD-disks;

Metal products of large and medium dimensions like divorce keys.

And even better – do not wait until the bottom is torn, but strengthen it on your own.

How to do it?

First of all, check with the seller of the accessory, which threads are stitched. In the online storespayder, for example, this is never hidden. They implement models with bottoms stitched by both ordinary threads and nylon. So, if precisely the usual threads were used for the firmware, it is strongly recommended to additionally reflash the bottom once again using fishing line. And the fishing line is the most common nylon threads. But then you must definitely check the quality of the seams.

How to do it?

In fact, quite simple. Flacks are synthetic material, so if you start rubbing its skeins among themselves, they will begin to publish a specific dry crack. So, in a bag or backpack it is necessary to put various things, the weight of which is suitable close to the recommended. And if everything was done well, then:

The bottom of the product will not stretch;

The same dry crack will not be heard;

Visually, the fishing line will not “get out” from the seams.

If everything happens exactly the opposite, it means that the work was done not quite high quality and it must be redone.