The role of mokritsa in homeopathy and cooking

Unfortunately, people know about the healing properties of plants. A copy that is indispensable for therapeutic purposes as mokrina grass very often turns out to be ruthlessly uprooted from the beds. Since time immemorial, this plant cured more than one generation of villagers, because it has a great content of vitamins and minerals as C, E, K, Iron, Magnesium, Copper and Cobalt. Healers always added mokritsa to their potions. In addition to all this, it has always been an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. In the villages they always tried to graze cattle in those places where there was a lot of wet -toe, this trick helped to increase milk yield at the cattle.

Another amazing property of the mokritsa can be called the ability to feel fluctuations in temperature. It was believed to be rain if the flower did not open until 9 a.m.

Wet mokrina grass on any soil is growing, it almost does not require any care. After all, this is still a weed that adapted to all natural conditions. You can even give her only one small bed in the country, and then use her healing qualities for the rest of the year.

The number of diseases in which medical drugs made of wetlands should be consumed is very large. This, for example, is neurosis, increased blood pressure, respiratory diseases, cirrhosis, gastritis, many female diseases and such a teenage disease as acne.

In the modern world, many people suffer from a lack of iodine, and, therefore, from thyroid diseases. They have to buy expensive medicines and dietary supplements in order to make up for this drawback, and only you just need to look at the feet in order to notice such an indispensable and effective natural medicine, like mokrina grass.

For diseases of the mammary glands in women, lotions of mokritsa are made at night. In addition, you need to drink a decoction of this grass 4 times a day during the day.

For people who suffer from joint diseases, including gout and rheumatism, will be useful for hot lotions of mokritsa.

Carrying out treatment of eye diseases, and especially clouding of the cornea, healers use the same infusion, only in this case it must be carefully drunk into the eyes three times a day.

For women, the following advice will be indispensable: a week before the start of menstruation, you need to take a mokritsa decoction so that they pass without pain.

In the presence of diseases on the female part, for example, erosion, you can put a swab saturated with a decoction at night. The procedure must be carried out within five days.

Recipes of drugs from wetzitsa:

– The infusion is prepared absolutely simply: a tablespoon of dried wettock should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight, then strain through gauze. The prepared tool can be used both inside and add to baths, to relieve allergic reactions and get rid of skin problems, because mokrina grass does not lose many of its healing properties with mild heat treatment.

– The decoction is prepared almost in the same way as the infusion, only it does not need to be insisted during the night. It is necessary 200 gr. Pour the grass with a liter of boiling water, cool and strain.

– In a juicer, you can easily make wet juice. In interaction with honey, this is an excellent expectorant with colds and diseases of the throat. Before taking this medicine, it is imperative to dilute the gruel in the water.

Until now, mokritsa is very often used in the preparation of dishes, both an independent ingredient and as a seasoning.

Mokritsa dishes recipes:

You can prepare a light dietary salad. It is necessary to grind wet and green onions, crush a slightly boiled egg there, add salt if you need. It is better to refuel such a salad with olive oil. Non -dietary option involves the possibility of refueling the dish with sour cream or mayonnaise. In the summer you can make an impromptu version of the okroshka, tucking a salad of yogurt or kefir.

– In the juicer, it is necessary to squeeze juice from the grass of the mokritsa, mixed with one hundred crap grams. Pour all this with two liters of water, strain and add granulated sugar. After that put in the refrigerator. A wonderful drink will not only refresh in the summer, but also strengthen immunity.

– Loof and dried wet grass will serve as an excellent seasoning that can be added to soups and second dishes.

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