How to choose the right bed

Few who know that the service life is no more than ten years. And sooner or later the question arises of replacing it. To feel awake all day, not wake up from the creak of the bed, not to feel discomfort during sleep, you need to approach the choice of a bed seriously.

You should consider the main criteria for the bed in Moscow and other cities that help you choose a high -quality and comfortable bed that will last you a dozen years.

– One of the main criteria is the size of the bed, not a sleeping place, namely its dimensions. So that the situation does not work out that the bed does not fit the size of the bedroom. The length of the bed should be 15-25 cm longer than the growth of the sleeping. It is not difficult to determine a comfortable width for yourself, lie down and fold your hands behind your head, the elbows should not go abroad.

– Furniture manufacturers offer a huge number of bed models. There is a classic model (one, one and a half and three -spar), folding (these include a sofa – bed, chair – bed) and transformers).

– The material that is used to make a bed should be environmentally friendly and not cause allergic reactions. For production, wood, chipboard, plywood, veneer, metal are used.

– The strength of the structure. It depends on the frame and the base of the mattress how long the bed will last you, look at the back, legs, side panels. It is better to choose the basis of the frame with a wooden frame, and not a metal mesh that sags very quickly.

– If the bed is already equipped with a mattress, it is necessary to see that its dimensions completely coincide with the size of the frame.

– The appearance of the chosen bed should not cause complaints. The varnish and paint should be evenly applied, should not be on the surface of chips, cracks and scratches.

When choosing a bed in Moscow, mentally transfer it to your bedroom and imagine how harmoniously it will fit into the interior.