How to choose the right cosmetics

Each girl is unique in nature, but everyone without exception wants to look attractive in any weather and under any circumstances. Since each girl has its own skin characteristics, it is important to choose the right cosmetics that will help to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages of the face.

When selecting Sothys cosmetics and any other cosmetics, first of all, you need to be guided by the type of skin and its shade. There are four types of facial skin and for each of them a special line of cosmetics. For oily skin type, you need to choose products that have alcohol in the composition. This is necessary in order to fight such manifestations of oily skin as acne, dilated pores and oily shine. For dry skin type, agents with alcohol content are not suitable. Girls with dry skin of a face on store shelves need to look for cosmetics based on water or essential oils. Any cosmetics are suitable for normal skin type of skin, but for a combined skin type, you need to select products, both for oily and dry skin at the same time, because the combined skin type is characterized by the fact that all signs of oily type are observed in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. skin, and in the rest of the face – a dry skin type.

If you have flaws on your face that is difficult to hide with a tonal remedy, then you can use a consiller. This tool is applied directly to the place of the lack, and then mattressed by foundation. The consulter and tonal cream must be chosen, guided not only by the type of skin, but also by its shade.

As for decorative cosmetics, when choosing it, the main rule is the purpose of makeup. If this is daytime makeup, then it is worth giving preference to light pastel shades and light textures. If the makeup is evening, then you can afford more vivid and saturated mother -of -pearl tones.

Looking attractive is quite simple, just choose the right cosmetics for your face.