How to help your child survive a divorce

If you are on the grain of parting with your spouse, think about your children how to help your child survive a divorce?

Children perceive the divorce of parents more painfully than the adults themselves. Especially if the child in the family did not suffer from violence, beatings, drunkenness of one of the parents, then for him it becomes a real tragedy.

What can be divorced by the divorce of parents for the child?

It has long been known that it is better for a child to grow in a calm atmosphere of an incomplete family than to have both parents and live under a constant press of scandals and clarifying adult relations. Sometimes parents reproach children in their personal failures, instilling in them a feeling of guilt and a lot of complexes. Such children grow up and mentally unbalanced.

The child feels the relationship between parents, even if they try to hide the true state of things from him. Therefore, do not save the family “for the sake of children”, sacrificing yourself. Remember that happy children grow up only in happy families. It is better to try to establish good relations after parting and thus help the child survive a divorce with minimal damage.

How to smooth out the consequences of a divorce

Try to maintain the usual lifestyle of the child, in the event of a divorce, do not transfer him to another school or kindergarten.

It is worth remembering that which of the parents the child would not live with, both the mother and father are equally responsible for his future.

The child is nervous when parents are roughly offending each other, show aggression. Children in protest can even give up food, become aggressive or indifferent to everything. Therefore, try to be more loyal to each other.

It is better for a child to stay with a kinder, calm parent. After all, any negativity will not benefit the psyche of the baby. But he also needs communication with the second parent. Therefore, one should not impede the meetings of the child with your ex -spouse (spouse). If such communication is not possible, then let the child have at least a photograph of his dad (mother). Grandparents should also take an active part in the life of the child.

It is necessary to inform the child about the divorce, without hysteria, it is better to both parents together (you can arrange a tea party with a cake to reduce the stressful situation). The child must understand that parents simply will not live together, but at the same time they do not throw him, and do not stop love.

Remember that a divorce is the beginning of a new life. Be wakes and cheerful next to your baby, give him maximum attention and affection.