What furniture to choose for a boy’s bedroom?

Active games, running, jumping – most boys are mocking mocking. Therefore, the requirements for furniture are deservedly considered security and reliability. However, in childhood, all people wanted their rooms to be a magic corner, where you can have fun, traveling and struggling with evil, and current children dream of the same. Modern designers implement their fantasies in the design of furniture for modern children, while observing all the basic safety requirements.

Let’s start with children. You can please your child with such a design solution as a bed in the form of a machine. You can buy such a bed, for example, here Krovati-Mashiny, at affordable and affordable prices. Many boys are fans of the Disney cartoon “Cars”, and the bed in the form of a beloved hero will make the child to ride with joy. It is suitable for boys from 2 to 12 years old.

The next example is the month bed. The design is very original: made in the form of a semicircle, and also shines in the dark. But there are age restrictions: suitable for children under 7 years old.

Crazy with happiness, the child will be from the gamak bed. Many in early childhood cost huts of chairs and sheets, and the Hamac bed was already ready, and even in which you can sleep. It is attached to the ceiling, however, has an even bottom.

Now I would like to talk about other furniture. A cozy, very soft and delighting eye will be an armor-multe hero (for example, sponch bob), also a good choice would be a motorcycle or sofa-crocodile. An interesting fairy-tale world for the boy will be a roomy cabinet-city.

The acquisition of an original chest of drawers “which is where it lies is very practical?”. He will teach the child to fold clothes in places, but this happens unobtrusively and playful. For example, a sock box has an appropriate shape, and with other things. Such a chest of drawers will be useful not only for children, but also for their dads.

An unusual chair will be in the form of a chest, in which you can hide toys. You can also supplement the interior with various lamps in the form of figures of players, balls and other entertaining things.