World energy consumption is designed to increase by 59 percent between 1999 and 2020, reaching 607 quadrillions of British thermal units (British thermal units).
The development of Asia and Central America and South America, as expected, will have indicators of the fastest growth in energy consumption over the next two decades. In both regions, the requirement of complete energy, as is expected, will grow by about 4 percent annually between 1999 and 2020.
Oil, as expected, will remain dominant energy fuel, as it was for many decades. In the industrialized world, an increase in oil use is designed primarily in the transport sector, where there is currently no affordable fuel to compete with oil products.
Natural gas is designed to be the most rapidly growing main source of energy around the world, supporting growth 3.2 percent annually for 1999-2020 periods, more than two times as high as the level for coal. The consumption of natural gas is designed to increase from 84 trillion cubic feet in 1999 to 162 trillions of cubic feet in 2020, primarily for generation of electricity. Gas is more and more noticed as the desired alternative for electricity, taking into account the effectiveness of gas turbines with a combined cycle relative to coal – or generation working on oil, and because it burns more cleanly or more than oil, making this more attractive choice for countries reduction in greenhouse gas emissions .
Coal use around the world is designed to increase by 1.7 billion short tons (36 percent) between 1999 and 2020. Significant reductions in coal use are designed for Western Europe and EE/FSU countries, where natural gas is more and more used to replace coal, nourish the new growth in generation of electricity, and for other industrial use and use of the construction industry. In developing countries, however, even greater increase in coal use is expected. The largest increase are designed for China and India, where coal supplies are numerous. Together, these two countries make up more than 90 percent of the designed increase in coal use in developing countries .
The isolation of carbon dioxide, as expected, will increase to carbon by 7.8 billion metric tons equivalent in 2010, and up to 9.8 billion metric tons by 2020 is expected in developing countries where developing economic systems, as expected, will produce the largest increase in energy consumption, and carbon dioxide is designed to grow to average 3.7 percent annually between 1999 and 2020.
Developing countries alone make up 81 percent of the designed increment in the global emission of carbon between 1990 and 2010 and 76 percent between 1990 and 2020.
Oil consumption is designed to make the largest increase in international carbon dioxide secretions. In 2020, the issue related to oil use was designed to be carbon for 1.9 billion metric tons equivalent above than the level of 1990. The issue from the use of natural gas, as expected, will be 1.4 billion metric tons higher than 1990 levels in 2020 and emission from coal use by 0.7 billion metric tons above 1990 levels. Although the use of natural gas, as expected, will increase at a faster level than oil use, it is less intensive carbon fuel.