How to raise confidence in a child

The question of how to educate a child confidence, parents, professors and teachers are asked. Many people think that for this it is enough to let the child read materials, or books on this topic. But unfortunately, this does not give good results, and not everyone is aware of this report. Parents begin to notice that despite all the punishments, reprimands and improvement of life, their children do not improve, and very often this even leads to the opposite.

Causes of uncertainty in children

Why is this happening? Most likely, due to the fact that their heirs do not see a living example. So that in education there is a positive result of a living example, both from the part of parents and teachers are necessary. If the parents, and they are the first educators, say one thing, but they make the opposite themselves, then the children immediately notice that something is going wrong here.

Then parents in the eyes of children lose authority, and they come to the conclusion that there are two true, one for them, the other for others and you can do everything you want, the main thing is to keep your face. Therefore, children begin to fraud and deceive, since they get such an example from those who are looking at. Having read different materials, they will have superficial knowledge, but there will be no practical results from this.

How to become an authority for a child

The true teacher needs to be born. Then, to raise children, only one emanation, and their eyes will be enough. There are many examples of people who have such moral qualities for raising children. Children are like animals, they are very sensitive, and are able to feel far from whether you are the owner or not. Therefore, a teacher who has negative qualities can never give good education to the kids.

Yogis that live in the forests of India never approach tigers or cobrais to harm them. They have vibration, which is transmitted to animals, and subjugate them to themselves, while they would immediately attack others. Today we live in a world when cunning, deception and unscrupulousness gradually replace moral qualities. But it must be remembered that returning them is much more difficult, if possible, than to lose