How to choose the right suitcase?

As they say, the journey is a subtle thing. And without a suitcase in which everything you need will not do.

Today, the range of selection of available suitcases is very wide, so a person when buying this indispensable attribute for his trip is often lost. But everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough only when choosing it to adhere to a few important recommendations and tips.

Main characteristics

The choice of a suitcase should be based on the following features:


The road suitcase is a thing that is usually used for very long trips. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to all the basic elements of its body.


It is important to remember that he will have to move with him for a long time at the airport and on the way to the hotel.

Inner space

Usually it happens with special mounting belts and dividers, which serve for a reliable room of shoes, shirts and other types of clothing.


Today, suitcases are made of plastic, fabric, metal and skin.


Suitcases made of polypropylene, polycarbonate and ABS plastic are the easiest and most resistant to various loads and deformations. You can buy such a suitcase here.


Fabric suitcases today are the most common. They are light, cheap and strength.

Metal and leather

Road suitcases of leather and metal are rare today and are relatively expensive. But their main advantage is small weight, resistance against fire, corrosion and mechanical damage.


This is one of the most important characteristics of the road suitcase. Therefore, it is important to remember that the number of things taken with you directly depends on its weight.

Lightning and castle

Mostly on suitcases, plastic zippers are used, but on the most advanced models you can also find self -healing specimens, which, even with loss of several teeth, continue to work.


When choosing a road suitcase or road bag, it is worth paying special attention to it. Today, telescopic handles are used most of all, as they greatly facilitate the carrying of a suitcase. If the handle is lifting, then it must be hidden inside the case and securely fixed in the right position. Most modern suitcases models are equipped with an additional pen, which can be very useful during the suitcase of the suitcase on the train, bus or on the shelf.